Pay as you save
You can start with our free trial and work your way up.
Pay as you saveStart with a 1 month free trial. Based on a % of savings thereafter. Billed monthly. No set up fees. Cancel any time. |
Free trial
Start saving instantly with Turn it Off with our 1 month Free Trial. No credit card required.
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% of savings
Upgrade to Pro after your first month to continue making savings. With our pay as you save model you will only ever pay a % of what you save.
Start free
For MSP’s or larger businesses looking to manage cloud carbon and costs across their entire organisation or in the case of an MSP, multiple organisations.
Contact us directly
Custom Alerts
Setup custom alerts to Slack, Teams and email
AI Schedules
Intelligent schedules for turning your environments on and off
Single sign-on with an Identify Provider (idP) provider of your choice.
Premium support
Extended 24/7 Support via phone and email ticketing.
Dedicated Account Manager
Your own named account manager
Cloud savings Calculator
Calculate how much you can save by using Turn it Off
Any questions?
If you want to discuss all your options with us, just get in touch directly and we’ll be able to give you a call back.
Get in touch